We do not provide adult content. No nude, no erotic, no sexual oriented content. We publish only decent media of female bodybuilders like training, posing or flexing. Please enjoy!

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Female Muscle

Special thanks to all female bodybuilders who are featured on this website. We exist because you make this site possible. It is dedicated to all people who like female bodybuilding. We offer you information and multimedia on this topic, hoping to provide you with the best resource about strong muscular women. Here you will find a lot of videos of various kinds of women.

  1. We are online since 2002
  2. More than 5000 video clips
  3. Frequently updated
  4. Clips are downloadable or streamable
  5. Instant access after the payment
  6. Top world athletes
  7. A new full length video every month


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Raluca Raducu just launched her official website.
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